INTRO https://www.instagram.com/tv/CaUs_0To00-/?utm_medium=copy_link FACILITATOR: Rileigh Firstly, as facilitator, I divided all of the roles amongst the group, so that we could complete this task smoothly during the week. Next, I created a Google Document and shared it with the group so that we could all write ideas about possible topics. When we eventually came to the conclusion that our topic was the earth/protect the planet, I had each of us come up with a few ideas of which activities we should create. We were able to accomplish most of this in class, however we did have to chat through our group chat on WhatsApp to complete anything that we didn’t have time to finish at the University. STARS : Rosalía and Marta Hello, t his week we have done the task in the opposite way to last week . We had to act as teachers and the other classmates acted as children. To start we had to choose 4 activities and relate them to each other with a general theme. O...